Administrative provisions of the exporter´s registry

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Andersen is a professional

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Andersen Guatemala incorporates Maynor Arnoldo Morales Morales as partner to expand its services.

On January 21, 2025, Resolution of Superintendence Number SAT-DSI-052-2025 was published in the Diario de Centro América. The following is a brief summary of the same: The objective is to create the Registry of Exporters through the computer systems administered by SAT considering the advances of new technologies that allow automating the formalities and authorizations and promote a degree of greater ease to perform the corresponding registration. All individuals or legal entities engaged in exporting are required to register in the Register of Exporters, through the Virtual Agency or other authorized tools. However, registration is not mandatory in the following cases: Household goods. Goods or services destined for temporary or suspensive export customs regimes. When the total value of the exports does not exceed ten thousand Central American pesos ($CA10,000.00) or its equivalent in dollars FOB (Free on Board), during a period of 366 days from the last declaration transmitted. State entities, decentralized or autonomous, municipalities, state or municipal public enterprises. Diplomatic and consular missions, their accredited employees and international organizations with representation or headquarters in the country. Other cases determined by SAT.   To obtain the temporary export permit in exceptional cases, taxpayers must comply with certain requirements established by the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT). These include having an active and updated NIT in the Digital Unified Tax Registry, VAT affiliation, registration in the FEL Regime and authorized books if they have an active registered establishment. In addition, they must be solvent in their tax and customs obligations, not have submitted more than three requests for temporary permits and not exceed cumulative exports for an amount greater than ten thousand Central American pesos ($CA10,000.00) or its equivalent in FOB dollars in a period of 366 days since the last declaration. The inactivation of the Exporters Registry may be made to an individual or legal entity in the following cases: failure to update the Unified Digital Tax Registry, death of the exporter, non-compliance with tax and customs obligations, or by request of the competent authority.  The implementation of the registry will be carried out gradually according to the modifications in the SAT's computer systems as of the effective date of the resolution. In unforeseen situations, the Revenue and Customs Offices will resolve accordingly. Applications and procedures initiated prior to the effectiveness of the provisions will be resolved in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of their initiation.   The Agreement will enter into force on February 20, 2025. For further information, please contact our offices. Mario Salazar              Mauro Hernández       Evelyn Guerra              
On December 30, 2024, Governmental Agreement No. 258-2024 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security was published in the Diario de Centro América. The following is a brief summary of the same: The Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, agrees to modify the minimum salary for a daily workday, for agricultural and non-agricultural activities and export and maquila activities, as follows: Agricultural, Non-Agricultural, Export and Maquila Activities of Economic Distric One "CE1" delimited to the department of Guatemala   MINIMUM SALARY 2025 Economic Activities Daily  Hour Daily Salary Monthly Salary Bonus Incentive Total Salary Agricultural  Q.  14.77  Q. 118.14  Q. 3,593.55  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,843.55 Non-Agricultural  Q.  15.30  Q. 122.40  Q. 3,723.05  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,973.05 Export and Maquila  Q.  13.98  Q. 111.86  Q. 3,402.31  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,652.31 Agricultural, Non-Agricultural, Export and Maquila Activities of Economic Distric Two "CE2" delimited for the rest of the departments of the Republic of Guatemala   MINIMUM SALARY 2025 Economic Activities Daily  Hour Daily Salary Monthly Salary Bonus Incentive Total Salary Agricultural  Q. 14.12  Q. 112.99  Q. 3,436.86  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,686.86 Non-Agricultural  Q. 14.59  Q. 116.73  Q. 3,550.60  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,800.60 Export and Maquila  Q. 13.21  Q. 105.67  Q. 3,214.09  Q. 250.00  Q. 3,464.09 The amount to be applied for the payment of the minimum wage is governed and determined by the place where the work center is located, in accordance with the provisions of the law and the employment contract. If due to the nature of the service or the execution of the work it is not possible to determine a work center, the place where the execution or rendering of the work is usually carried out will be taken. If it is not possible to clearly determine the situations regulated in the previous cases, the place where the worker habitually resides shall be used.  When, due to the peculiarities and nature of each job, the payment of remuneration is agreed upon by unit of work or by participation in the profits, sales or collections made by the employer, in no case shall workers who earn by piece rate or price be disadvantaged. In no case may workers have a minimum wage lower than that established by law. The Agreement will enter into force on January 1, 2025. For further information please contact our offices. Mario Salazar              Mauro Hernández       Evelyn Guerra            
On December 9, 2024, Decree No. 31-2024 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala was published in the Official Gazette, which decrees the Law for the Integration of the Primary and Agricultural Productive Sector. The following is a brief summary of the law The purpose of the law is to create and regulate the following Special Simplified Taxation Regimes: a Tax Confidence Tax is established on the activities, acts and contracts taxed in this Law, the collection, control and supervision of which correspond to the Tax Administration, among them are: a) Special Regime for the Production and Commercialization of Products of the Agricultural Sector and Handicrafts produced in Guatemala, destined to supermarkets, cantonal and municipal markets, collection centers and restaurants.    b) Special Regime of Production and Commercialization of Products of the Livestock, Hydrobiological and Beekeeping Sector, destined to supermarkets, cantonal and municipal markets, collection centers and restaurants. Taxpayers that choose to register under the Primary Regime or the Livestock Regime will be exempt from applying Value Added Tax on the income obtained under such regimes. However, if in addition to these activities they carry out other activities, they must register under the corresponding VAT regime, either the General Regime or the Small Taxpayer Regime, according to the projected amount of their respective income. Taxpayers under the Primary or Livestock Regime must issue electronic invoices (FEL) in the name of the buyer for purchases made, when the buyer does not provide the corresponding invoice.   REGIMES ACTIVITY CONDITIONS TAX RATE Special Regime for Production and Marketing of Agricultural Products and Handicrafts Crafts produced in Guatemala Guatemala, (Primary Regime) Local sales to supermarkets, cantonal and cantonal and municipal markets and collection centers Gross sales do not exceed 3,500 minimum monthly salaries for the non-agricultural sector, (not including incentive incentive bonus) during the fiscal period from January to December of each year. 1.5% of gross sales Special Regime for Production and Marketing of Agricultural Products and Handicrafts Crafts produced in Guatemala Guatemala, (Primary Regime) Exports of primary sector products of the primary sector Export of agricultural products and handicrafts products and handicrafts that do not exceed 3,500 3,500 minimum monthly salaries in force for the non-agricultural sector, (not including incentive bonus) during the fiscal period from January to December of each year. 2% of gross sales Special Regime for Production and Commercialization of Products of the Livestock, Hydrobiological Livestock, Hydrobiological and Apiculture (Livestock Regime). Local sales to supermarkets, cantonal and cantonal and municipal markets and collection centers Dedicated to breeding, fattening, development, production, slaughtering, transformation and intermediation intermediation of livestock products, hydro-biological and beekeeping products. 1.5% of gross sales Special Regime for Production and Commercialization of Products of the Livestock, Hydrobiological Livestock, Hydrobiological and Apiculture (Livestock Regime). Export of livestock, hydrobiological livestock, hydrobiological and apiculture Export of agricultural products and handicrafts. 2% of gross sales Special Regime for Production and Commercialization of Products of the Livestock, Hydrobiological Livestock, Hydrobiological and Apiculture (Livestock Regime). Intermediary Intermediaries of bovine products of the livestock sector 10% of profits  Amendments to the Value Added Tax Law Decree 27-92  The sale of non-industrialized primary and livestock products, whose initial destination was for export and that for justified reasons were not exported; specifically, shrimp, salt, banana, plantain and melon, made by taxpayers registered in the General Value Added Tax Regime to persons who commercialize them at retail in cantonal, municipal markets and collection centers. For such purpose, they shall issue the corresponding invoice, without charging Value Added Tax.   Article 44 is amended The taxpayer who has more than one mercantile establishment must declare and pay the tax corresponding to the operations carried out in the same, jointly, in a single form. Article 45 is amended Individuals or legal entities whose amount of sale of goods or rendering of services does not exceed one hundred and twenty-five (125) minimum monthly salaries in force for the non-agricultural sector, not including the incentive bonus, in a calendar year, may request their registration to the Small Taxpayer Regime”.   Article 46 is amended. The taxpayer registered in the General Regime, whose income does not exceed the amount of one hundred and twenty-five (125) minimum monthly salaries in force for the non-agricultural sector, not including the incentive bonus, during the calendar year, may apply for registration in the Small Taxpayer Regime. The Tax Administration shall register him/her, giving notice of his/her new obligations, by the means it deems convenient, and the monthly period as from which he/she starts in this Regime.” Article 50 is amended. Small taxpayers must register in the Normal or General Value Added Tax Regime, in cases where their total income exceeds the amount equivalent to one hundred and twenty-five (125) monthly minimum wages in force for the non-agricultural sector, not including the incentive bonus, in the course of a calendar year.   Transitory Provisions Taxpayers registered in the Special Regime for Agricultural Taxpayers, Electronic Regime for Small Taxpayers, or Special Electronic Regime for Agricultural Taxpayers, must transfer within a term not exceeding three (3) months from the effective date of the Law, if they do not transfer within the term indicated above, the Tax Administration will register them in the General Regime of Value Added Tax and Income Tax in the Regime on Profits from Lucrative Activities. For a non-extendable period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, as from the entry into force of the regulations of the Law, the taxpayer or responsible person who has omitted to file a return or who wishes to rectify it, may file his returns extemporaneously or rectify them, and make the corresponding payment. The persons who have omitted to declare income, banked or not, obtained before the Law came into force, in respect of which they do not have documentation to justify the origin thereof, nor allow them to make the correct determination of the tax obligation, shall file a sworn tax return with information referring to the date of its filing. They will pay a tax rate of five percent (5%) on the undeclared income or inventories to be registered for the beginning of their accounting.  The Tax Administration may grant taxpayers facilities in the payment of the tax, up to a maximum of eighteen (18) months only for taxpayers registered in any of the regimes or special taxation modalities established in the Law. This Decree will enter into effect on April 9, 2025.   For further information please contact our offices. Mario Salazar              Mauro Hernández         Evelyn Guerra              
On December 9, 2024, Decree No. 32-2024 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala was published in the Official Gazette, which decrees the Competition Law. The purpose of the Law is to promote and protect competition to strengthen economic efficiency and benefit consumers, through the prevention, investigation, prosecution and sanction of anti-competitive practices and restrictions to the efficient operation of markets. This Law shall apply on a supplementary basis to economic agents regulated by sectorial laws with competition rules and supervision by a regulatory authority, with special provisions prevailing. The following is a brief summary of the same: Anticompetitive practices: are considered anticompetitive practices, any absolute or relative practice, as the case may be, which is prohibited and sanctioned by law. Absolute practices. Absolute practices are any agreement, contract, agreement, decision or concerted practice between two or more competing economic agents, which have the effect of any of the following:  a) Agreeing, arranging, fixing or manipulating prices, charges, discounts, fees, royalties, tariffs or rates, directly or indirectly, in the sale or purchase of goods or services.  b) Divide, distribute, allocate or impose portions or segments of an actual or potential market for goods or services, whether by territory, by sales or determinable volume, by customers or vendors, by allocation of sources of inputs or by any other means. c) To fix, limit or restrict the production, demand, distribution or commercialization of goods or services, whether by quantity, volume or frequency.   d) Agreeing or coordinating bids in national or international public contracting processes.  Prohibition of absolute monopolistic practices. Economic agents that incur in absolute practices will be subject to the sanctions established in the Law. Relative practices. Relative practices are considered agreements, contracts or actions carried out by one or more agents with a dominant position in a relevant market, which have the effect of displacing other agents in an anti-competitive manner, significantly impeding their access or creating exclusive anti-competitive advantages in favor of certain economic agents.   This Decree was declared of national urgency and will be effective as follows: a) As of January 1, 2025, Chapter I (General Provisions) and Chapter IV (Promotion of Free Competition) of Title I (General Provisions, Promotion and Defense of Competition); as well as all the Chapters comprising Titles II (Superintendence of Competition), V (Amendments and Repeals) and VI (Final and Transitory Provisions). b) Two years after its publication in the Official Gazette, Chapter II (Defense of Free Competition) and Chapter III (Economic Concentrations) of Title I (General Provisions, Promotion and Defense of Competition); Title III (Administrative Process) and Title IV (Infringements, Sanctions, Measures and Statute of Limitations).   For further information, please contact our offices. Mario Salazar              Mauro Hernández       Evelyn Guerra            
On July 19, 2024, Resolution of Superintendence Number SAT-DSI-1361-2024 was published in the Diario Oficial. This resolution establishes that all acts of the administration are public, and that all interested parties have the right to obtain
On July 8, 2024, Decree Number 13-2024 Temporary Law to extend the term for the payment of the Tax on the Circulation of Land Vehicles was published in the Diario Oficial.
 The following is a brief summary of the same:
Article 1 is amended:

Andersen is the Guatemalan member firm of Andersen Global, an international association of member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals worldwide.

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