On October 16, 2024, Governmental Agreement No. 163-2024 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security was published in the Official Gazette, whereby it was agreed to grant leave with pay on Monday, October 21, 2024, to public servants rendering their services in centralized and decentralized entities of the public administration.
An exception is made for public administration employees who, in compliance with their Collective Bargaining Agreement on Working Conditions, enjoy the holiday on a day other than the one indicated.
As a consequence, it shall be considered a non-working day for the purposes of calculating the deadlines that must be observed within the public administration, except for those who provide essential public services or those who have scheduled activities that cannot be postponed, in which case the appointing authorities shall schedule the corresponding shifts to ensure the provision of services.
The Agreement becomes effective on October 16, 2024.
For further information, please contact our offices.
Mario Salazar mario.salazar@gt.Andersen.com
Mauro Hernández mauro.hernandez@gt.Andersen.com
Evelyn Guerra evelyn.guerra@gt.Andersen.com