On November 27, 2024, Ministerial Agreement No. 646-2024 of the Ministry of Economy was published in the Official Gazette, whereby it was agreed to publish for reference purposes in the Web Site of the Ministry of Economy www.mineco.gob.gt the lists of tariffs applicable to the import of goods, corresponding to the year 2025, in accordance with the tariff reduction programs agreed in the different international trade agreements subscribed and in force in Guatemala.
1. Partial Scope Agreement between the Republic of Guatemala and the Republic of Cuba.
2. Free Trade Agreement between Central America and the Dominican Republic.
3. Free Trade Agreement between the Dominican Republic, Central America and the United States of America.
4. Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Guatemala and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
5. Protocol of Incorporation of the Republic of Panama to the Central American Economic Integration Subsystem.
6. Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Colombia and the Republics of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
7. Free Trade Agreement between Central America and Chile
8. Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guatemala and the Government of the State of Israel.
9. Partial Scope Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guatemala and the Government of Belize.
For further information please contact our offices.
Mario Salazar mario.salazar@gt.Andersen.com
Mauro Hernández mauro.hernandez@gt.Andersen.com
Evelyn Guerra evelyn.guerra@gt.Andersen.com