On May 17, 2024, Resolution of Superintendence No. SAT-DSI-833-2024 was published in the Official Gazette, which presents administrative provisions to regulate the entry, permanence and exit of vehicles in the primary zone of the country's customs offices.
The purpose of this resolution is to regulate the entry, stay and exit of motor vehicles, whether or not they are transporting goods, driven and moving by themselves or entering in trailers, semi-trailers, among others, as well as machinery and equipment, which remain in the Customs Primary Zone.
Article 2 is amended: the customs authority will allow the entry of motor vehicles that have filed the declaration of goods or initiated the customs clearance process to enter the Primary Zone of the Customs Office, within the opening hours of the Customs Office. Customs operations may be carried out during off-hours with prior authorization at the request of the user or when the motor vehicles have been subject to retention by the Competent Authority.
Article 3 is amended: Users of the Customs Service who are or have not complied with the provisions of Article 10 Bis of Board of Directors Agreement No. 11-2002 of the Superintendence of Tax Administration.
Article 6 is amended: cases not foreseen in the present provisions shall be resolved by the Intendencia de Aduanas.
The agreement becomes effective ninety (90) days after its publication.
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