On August 9, 2023, Governmental Agreement No. 184-2023 of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which amendments to Governmental Agreement No. 164-2021 dated August 9, 2021 Regulations for the integral management of common solid waste and residues were agreed upon.
The following is a brief summary of the same:
Article 12 is amended: All those individuals or public or private, national or foreign legal entities that, as a result of their activities produce residues or common solid waste, must separate them at the time of generation, according to the following classifications a: Primary Classification: organic and inorganic; b) Secondary Classification: a)Organic, b) Recyclable ( paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, metal, multilayer and c) Non-recyclable.
The implementation of the Primary Classification will be carried out until the date of the Secondary implementation and the latter will be mandatory as of February 11, 2025.