Gloria de Salazar


Effective and timely support from our team of professionals
is an important contribution when making business decisions.

She has over 20 years of professional experience in accounting, financial, internal control, administrative and fiscal areas. Her experience comptroller functions Development to report to General Management in financial, production and commercial companies, Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements; Planning, development and implementation of accounting procedures and systematization of operations and planning, management and control of financial information for primary use of General Management.

As part of her professional development, she has participated in different courses, including: Course of Human Relations taught by Dale Carnegie courses and time management and fiscal update given by Deloitte Corporate Finance Advisers, curses given by the Firm Trust Consulting, and the Guatemalan Institute of Public Accountants and Auditors and others.

He has been responsible for the care of the accounting, tax and business corporations

She is Public Accountant and Auditor.


Gloria de Salazar

Accounting Outsourcing Manager


Office: +1 (502) 2363-6418 /19,20


  • Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala (CPA)



  • Member of the College of Public Accountants and Auditors of Guatemala.